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CVC November Information

Dr. Knechtel

Happy Fall, Y’all!

As we head into the winter months, we just wanted to provide a quick update and reminder. Carbon Valley Chiropractic has officially changed our hours of operation. Hours of operation will be as follows from now on:

M & W: 10am-12pm and 2pm-5pm

T & Th: 3pm-7pm

F: 10am-12pm

Gym Hours: M – Sat: 4am-11pm

In accordance with the mandate from the State of Colorado with regards to the current coronavirus pandemic, CVC asks that patrons follow all advised social distancing guidelines and maintain 6 feet of social distance and wear a mask while inside the facility. Use of the facility is limited to 10 patrons at a time.

COVID-19 is a serious health issue. If you are feeling ill, or experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19, please do not enter the facility. If you have fever, chills, shortness of breath, lack of taste, coughing etc. please do not enter.

If you would like to make an appointment, please call: 303-833-1500.

Did you know……..collagen is the most abundant protein in our body? It is responsible for the growth and health of our bones, joints, ligaments, skin, skin elasticity, hair and digestion. Did you also know that your body slows down production of collagen at age 25?

Dr. Dan is pleased to introduce a collagen product line available through CVC. If you are interested in possible:

· Decreased joint pain

· Decreased body inflammation

· Improved muscle flexibility

· Improved hair, skin, and nails

· Improved gut health

· AND even a possible weight loss system!*

Ask Dr. Dan about our ingestible collagen products today!

Check out this link on the benefits of collagen:

*Please note these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

For up to the minute information on Carbon Valley Chiropractic like us on Facebook!

To schedule a massage with Essential Massage, please call: 720-297-3796.

Have a great day!

Carbon Valley Chiropractic

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